Whether your child is destined to grow a successful business or not, the skills that come from entrepreneurial adventures - resilience, resourcefulness, dedication, task management, and creativity, to name a few - are skills that will serve them well in any path their lives take.
These six books demonstrate these qualities while allowing kids to see that they can dream big and do amazing things. From inspiring stories of successful kidpreneurs that feature kids just like them, to step by step guides that break down the process of starting a business and guide them through visualizing their success, these books are sure to inspire the entrepreneur in your kids.
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Amina’s Bracelets
By Tasha Danielle
Ages 8-10
Amina’s Bracelets is a story about nine year-old Amina who wants a tablet, but doesn’t have enough money saved up to get one. Her parents aren’t willing to buy it for her but they are willing to help her become and entrepreneur to reach her goal. It’s a book that shows kids how to achieve a goal with the power of entrepreneurial thinking in a clear, fun way.
Kidpreneurs: Young Entrepreneurs with Big Ideas
By Adam Toren and Matthew Toren
Ages 6-12
Kidpreneurs: Young Entrepreneurs with Big Ideas is a visually stimulating book that focuses on breaking down the entrepreneurship process into steps young kids can relate to. It contains both information to teach kids about starting and running a business as well as questions and guides to help them figure out their interests and test out their ideas in a workbook format. It covers everything from coming up with a business name, to creating a business plan, to considering ethics, networking, and giving back. It’s a well-rounded, fun, educational, energizing book.
Dream Dare Do: A Guide to Exploring the Kidpreneur in All of Us
By Jude Paul
Ages 8+
A detailed, practical guide to helping kids start a business, Dream Dare Do covers all the steps, from designing a logo to writing a business plan. It also features stories and interviews of successful kidpreneurs to help inspire other kids and show them that their dreams are possible to achieve.
Gabby Invents the Perfect Hair Bow (Little Launchers Series)
By Erica Swallow
Ages 5-9
The best businesses often come from ordinary problems that an entrepreneur decides to fix, and that simplicity is captured perfectly in Gabby Invents the Perfect Hair Bow. It’s the true story of how 5 year old Gabby Goodwin saw a problem - hair bows that kept falling out - and decided she wanted to solve it. By the age of 10 she and her mother have built a thriving business selling bows that stay put and Gabby is the CEO - choosing designs, handling finances, and speaking about life as a kidpreneur.
The Little Launchers series aims to inspire kids and spark creativity through the Gabby’s story and the stories of three other successful kidpreneurs: Sebastian Creates a Sock Company, Jason Saves the Environment with Entrepreneurship, and Rachel Turns Her Passion Into a Business.
The Little Launchers series aims to inspire kids and spark creativity through the Gabby’s story and the stories of three other successful kidpreneurs: Sebastian Creates a Sock Company, Jason Saves the Environment with Entrepreneurship, and Rachel Turns Her Passion Into a Business.
Lemonade in Winter
By Emily Jenkins
Ages 3-7
A sweet story of two kids who have an inspired idea and won’t be deterred from pursuing it, even if it means they’re selling cold drinks in the middle of winter. Lemonade in Winter is filled with simple money lessons perfect for young kids to learn about coins, expenses, and profit, it’s a story that shows both optimism and resilience as well as a willingness to find the good in any situation. There’s also an animated version of the story, available for free on Amazon’s Prime Video.
Javi’s Opportunity Manual
By Maria Flores Letelier
Ages 8-12
Javi’s Opportunity Manual is a fun, fast paced book that reads like a diary, full of mindful reflection and the relatable quips of a 12 year old girl. Javi desperately wants to go to tennis camp, but after finding out the camp is too expensive, she discovers she can start a business to raise the money she needs. As she embarks on that path, Javi observes how others are succeeding and begins to create her Opportunity Manual, filled with the lessons she’s learning along the way. It’s an engaging, relevant story that will show kids how important good communication skills are to making opportunities happen